Chú thích Ruột non

  1. Bản mẫu:GeorgiaPhysiology
  2. “human body”. Encyclopedia Britannica. Truy cập 12 tháng 2 năm 2015. 
  3. human body |
  4. 1 2 3 DiBaise, John K.; Parrish, Carol Rees; Thompson, Jon S. (2016). Short Bowel Syndrome: Practical Approach to Management (bằng tiếng Anh). CRC Press. tr. 31. ISBN 9781498720809
  5. Tortora, Gerard (2014). Principles of Anatomy & Physiology. USA: Wiley. tr. 913. ISBN 978-1-118-34500-9. ..its length is about 3m in a living person and about 6.5m in a cadaver due to loss of smooth muscle tone after death. 
  6. Standring, Susan (2016). Gray's Anatomy. UK: Elsevier. tr. 1124. ISBN 978-0-7020-5230-9. ..and has a mean length of 5 metres (3 - 8.5 metres) when measured intraoperatively in the living adult (Tietelbaum et al 2013). 
  7. Debora Duro, Daniel Kamin (2007). “Overview of short bowel syndrome and intestinal transplantation”. Colombia Médica 38 (1). 
  8. 1 2 Ali Nawaz Khan (22 tháng 9 năm 2016). “Small-Bowel Obstruction Imaging”. Medscape. Truy cập ngày 7 tháng 2 năm 2017. 
  9. “Abdominal X-ray - Abnormal bowel gas pattern”. Truy cập ngày 7 tháng 2 năm 2017. 
  10. Gazelle, G S; Goldberg, M A; Wittenberg, J; Halpern, E F; Pinkney, L; Mueller, P R (1994). “Efficacy of CT in distinguishing small-bowel obstruction from other causes of small-bowel dilatation.”. American Journal of Roentgenology 162 (1): 43–47. ISSN 0361-803X. PMID 8273687. doi:10.2214/ajr.162.1.8273687.  Đã bỏ qua tham số không rõ |doi-access= (trợ giúp)
  11. Helander, Herbert F; Fändriks, Lars (2015). “Surface area of the digestive tract – revisited”. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 49 (6): 681–689. ISSN 0036-5521. PMID 24694282. doi:10.3109/00365521.2014.898326
  12. Drake, Richard L.; Vogl, Wayne; Tibbitts, Adam W.M. Mitchell; illustrations by Richard; Richardson, Paul (2005). Gray's anatomy for students. Philadelphia: Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone. tr. 273. ISBN 978-0-8089-2306-0
  13. Drake, Richard L.; Vogl, Wayne; Tibbitts, Adam W.M. Mitchell; illustrations by Richard; Richardson, Paul (2005). Gray's anatomy for students. Philadelphia: Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone. tr. 271. ISBN 978-0-8089-2306-0
  14. 1 2 Drake, Richard L.; Vogl, Wayne; Tibbitts, Adam W.M. Mitchell; illustrations by Richard; Richardson, Paul (2005). Gray's anatomy for students. Philadelphia: Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone. tr. 295–299. ISBN 978-0-8089-2306-0
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